
Hi everybody, Welcome To Plushie Empire. There is a collection of plushies for you to choose from, and these plushies are all brand new (never play before). You could never find these plushies in stores as they can only be caught from arcades (with Disney Sega Fun Fan Amuse Prize, Banpresto tags...etc), and long time ago plushies from arcardes can also be found here too, will be coming to Plushie Empire later.

You are welcome to contact me if you are interested in the stuffs in Plushie Empire. I will try to respond ASAP.

Plushie Empire Email Address:

Please wait patiently for loading the page. Thanks for reading and enjoy browsing the plushies...

Plushie Empire is officially opened on 12 Feb 2009 !

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Banpresto Japan, Kapibara-san Halloween Series (Plush Keychain)

Brown Kapibara (left) at SGD$8
White Kapibara (top middle) at SGD$8
Purple Kapibara (bottom middle) at SGD$8
White Camel (right) at SGD$8

1 set at SGD$30

Details: Approximately 8cm in size